Journey Update (part 1)

As the blog heading says, this is my journey with Yahoshua and in the description i mention that the writings you will read here are inspired by that journey. So i thought i would share an update on where i am on this journey; What is it that i believe and why i believe. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians he writes, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12 ESV) This passage and this one from Micah 6:8 “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does YHWH require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Elohim.” Are my starting points. We are called to be like Him, “Be holy for I am Holy,” and as Paul also writes, “Imitate me as I imitate Messiah.”

Back in 2017 i put down most commentaries when reading and picked up a regular dictionary and a strongs as well as an interlinear concordance. In 2020 i put down nearly the rest of the commentaries i was still using and really began word studies and reading more history. What i began to discover was that i relied on the interpretations and customs of man which is exactly what the Pharisees had done and it was what Yahoshua was calling them out on . . . Not the observance of Torah, but of the traditions of man.

First lets talk about the name Jesus. This one had me spun for some time. Why do we use the name Jesus, when we also translate the name into English with the name Joshua? And why do we use those names at all when we know His Hebrew name is יֵשׁוּעַ which would be transliterated in modern Hebrew to Yeshua? This led me down another path on language. The letter J didn’t come into existence until 1650 and when it did it had a soft Y sound. Therefore the name Jesus as we know it today would have sounded more like its origin Yeshua, Yesus, a deeper study led me to the fact that in the Greek the S on the end (Ιησούς prior to 1650 transliterated Iesus) would have been silent so it would sound like, Yesu, which if we equate it to modern English it would be like calling a person named Joshua, Josh.

Somewhere along the line, much like the game operator, where you start by whispering something in the ear of one person. Who then whispers it into another until it goes around the circle. When it gets back to the beginning its more likely than not something different, even if its close, to the original. We have been playing operator and few seem to care about the original because they have become accustomed to the alternate. Yet we still use the excuse of transliteration, when its the evolution of language. i had to ask myself if i had gone on a long vacation and while i was away the sound of CH in my name went from K to M and the R became silent and suddenly everyone was reading my name off my passport and calling me Mistopher, would i know they were talking to me?

Yes, Yahoshua, this is how scholars render the name for Joshua son of Nun, who we understand to have the same given name as our Savior. This is why i use this spelling. Also, it has a pretty cool story of development which leads me to believe it was no coincidence. (See this Post, ‘Why Yahoshua, and other names and titles’ for a starting point on reasons why i choose Yahoshua), is the Word made flesh, He was in the beginning and He is at the end, the Aleph – Tav or the Alpha – Omega, so i am pretty sure He knows who we are talking about. However, with that i also believe that as we grow in knowledge and understanding we should take into account the commandment; “You shall not take the name of YHWH your Elohim in vain, for YHWH will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7)

We have made this to mean simply, by using the name Jesus or saying God in slang or a curse word is taking His name in vain. Although, partially true, it is much deeper than this. It also, includes, attributing sayings to Him, “Thus says the Lord . . .” Etc. that He did not say or believing that His Word is inconsequential as Israel did often, “Her priests have done violence to My law and have profaned My holy things. They have made no distinction between the holy and the common, neither have they taught the difference between the unclean and the clean, and they have disregarded My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.” (Ezekiel 22:26). They would justify this by saying they haven’t been punished, when it was simply Elohim’s patience, that sought from them a repentant heart. His NAME is Holy! Isaiah (9:6) writes, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty Elohim, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Did you read that, “Mighty Elohim, Everlasting Father,” this is specifically talking about Yahoshua, who most modern Christians call Jesus. Now i came to know Yahoshua through the name Jesus, i appreciate the name Jesus, i believe in the Power of the Name of the Word made flesh, the Lamb of Elohim, Emmanuel which means Elohim (God) with us. However, knowing what i know now makes it difficult for me call the Messiah anything other than His given name, Yahoshua. Even saying, Yesu, seems disrespectful to me. He is Mighty Elohim! The I AM!

i hope this makes sense to you, really i do. In the coming posts i will be discussing my beliefs on the Sabbath, Feast Days, Torah, among other things. Although, you can go into my archives and read about them there here, i will be spelling out the “WHY.” Anyway, i hope this at least gets you to ask the question, “WHY?” Just like when you were a kid and your parent told you to do something and you asked, “Why, why, why?” May you be so curious . . . For it is this curiosity that has made me to fall in love with Yahoshua ha’Mashiah all over again and in a much deeper way than ever before.

You are loved,