When we are told in Philippians by Paul to “Work out our own salvation with fear and trembling,” doesn’t that fly in the face of “Fear not, for I am with you?” from Isaiah 41? This week i want to explore the thought that Paul raises in Philippians 2:12-13 about working out our own salvation, what does that mean? Well, i can tell you what it doesn’t mean, it doesn’t mean or even imply a works based salvation. It does not intend to put undue hardship on others, or ourselves for that matter . . . It does mean we need to take ownership of our journey. He will not contradict His Word, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, however, my journey of salvation may look very different than yours.

We are told in Proverbs 9 that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This word for fear could be translated, respect. We are to respect the Lord, how does one show respect? By honoring them, listening to them, serving them, and obeying them, to name a few. But what about trembling? Well, it actually means to tremble. Have you ever seen the movie the Wizard of Oz? When Dorthy, Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion, finally get an audience with the Wizard they enter with fear and trembling. They have a great deal of respect for the Wizard of Oz and how he has presented himself to them. This is an excellent picture of the meaning, “fear and trembling.” Now that you have the picture, God is not the Wizard of Oz; He is the creator of the Universe! Paul is making a distinction here that we often overlook because, well, “grace” and “God is Love.” However, He is still the creator of the Universe, and He is the one who will sit on the Throne during the judgment and separate the sheep from the goats.

So yes, we are to think about our salvation! Are we living as Jesus instructed us? Are we being obedient? The next verse 2:13 says, “for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Isn’t that comforting? The creator of the Universe loves us so much, He is at work within us, giving us the ability to do and act in obedience. “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. It isn’t impossible to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling when we know that the Living God is at work with us! We simply need to be obedient to His leading, and responsive to His prompting to do according to His good and perfect will.

You are loved,


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